Big P and the Man from Plaquemines
0 comment Friday, September 5, 2014 |
On the oil spill, pundits say, they can offer Obama little comfort.
A profound pronouncement? And a circular one at that? You bet.
But it's no better than Obama's forgettable quote on Friday:
"My job right now is just to make sure everybody in the Gulf understands: This is what I wake up to in the morning, and this is what I go to bed at night thinking about. The spill."(Sorry, but the "spill"? The "spill"?!? And his primary job is to make sure we understand he's thinking about it? Axe, are you on vacation or something? Axe . . . ?)
More reassuring was Big P's priceless quote from its stunningly empathic CEO: "I would like my life back." (So would we all, my friend, so would we all. And the livelihoods of Louisianans, while you're at it.)
Seriously though, I think I've found someone who can help Spock Obama. Someone he can model himself after, during this unfolding nightmare.
Now, the fellow I have in mind is no super model, I'll grant you that. Obama would crush him in a pick-up game, in two minutes flat.
But if you're looking for a "bullhorn" man, may I present the rotund, frank, and clearly feeling Billy Nungesser of Louisiana's Plaquemines ("plack-a-means") Parish.

This ADD fellow -- who gets things done, by the way -- is a man after my own heart, and my country's.
By way of example, here's a snippet from a recent New York Times profile of wild-marsh Bill:
How did Mr. Nungesser come to own an elk ranch in the parish?
The elk, he said late Thursday night over a 10-minute dinner of Sun Chips and soda, were bought from a man in Nebraska with the money he got from selling his house to his sister when he went to live in a shipping container.A few minutes later, he added:
"I had a Jacuzzi," he clarified. "It was nice."
See why I love this guy, nonsequiturs and all?
Because he's real. He's there. And he cares.
"The buck stops with me," said the president. "And the muck does, too," said I. And Billy.

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