0 comment Friday, August 8, 2014 | admin
Listen to this clip of Meghan McCain's bizarre espousings on Glenn Beck's radio show. It was all so bad, frankly, that I first imagined it was a joke. Surely someone else was calling in, pretending to be her. But, umm, nope. No such luck.
Back in the '90s, we used the expression "valley girl" to describe brainless babes. In this new millenium, maybe it's "daddy girl."
And, God forbid you were wondering, I am no fan of the catty anti-feminist Maureen Dowd. Though you can bet she'll be all over this like a bed bug in New York city, feasting on corpses in the Waldorf's Junior League suites.
Labels: Grammatical Errors, Joke, Maureen Dowd, Mean Girls, Meghan Mccain