Climb in a bowl of oatmeal.
0 comment Sunday, June 8, 2014 |
I don't know which is more disturbing: in Arkansas, thousands of birds inexplicably falling from the night sky and fish dying in droves, or our president's signature.
Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy
This is how he signs his name? Seriously?
Much less disturbing are the "scandalous" USS Enterprise videos produced by Navy Captain Owen Honors, back when he was the ship's XO. They were made four and five years ago, as entertainment for very young men serving on board a navy ship. I was expecting Tailhook or something; this was tame. Stupid and bathroomy, but tame.
Remember, the videos were made long before DADT was repealed, during a time when no one in the military could afford to be even suspected as gay. Given that environment, and an atmosphere in which discrimination was tacitly encouraged, is it any wonder there were gay slurs?
For those who want a world where no one ever gets offended, climb in a bowl of oatmeal or something. And yes, I watched the whole thing.

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